Your Take on Television’s Outlook

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 17, 2003|Views: 5|



Scoop cordially invites you to submit your views on the current
television season. Now that it’s been underway for roughly one month and you’ve
had a chance to watch a few episodes, we expect that you’ve either found a new
show to devote attention to or you’ve re-established/revoked your devotion to a
returning favorite. While we’re most interested in shows that focus either on
nostalgia or comics/superheroes & supervillains, we welcome your opinions on
any of your new and old favorites. Below are a few show topic ideas:


– American Dreams
– Angel


– Jake 2.0
– Joan of Arcadia
– MTV’s

– Smallville
– Tarzan

We’re also
interested in your opinions on the longevity/endurance of these shows (i.e. Can
you see them being picked up by TV Land in 30 years?)

Be on the lookout.
Each week, we’ll select especially insightful reader opinions for our In the
Limelight section.

It On!

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