X2: The Movie
Want to know what happens in a movie
that doesn’t come out for about a month? Check out the official adaptation of
the new X-Men flick. It includes not only the story of the film, but the two
recent movie prequel comics, too. The prequels, if you haven’t spotted them
already at your local shop, feature Wolverine and Nightcrawler. And if you don’t
want to ruin the movie, you can get it and let it wait… if you have the
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<div><i>Marvel Comics; $29.99</i><br><br>The Marvel Knights series that really
started the ball rolling the Marvel imprint was Daredevil. It took sometimes
months between issues, but director-turned-comic writer Kevin Smith, penciler
Joe Quesada (in his pre-Editor-in-Chief days), and inker Jimmy Palmiotti turned
out a multi-part story that sold a lot of comics and made a lot of fans stand up
and take notice. Those issues are collected here in Marvel’s oversized hardcover
format. Also included in this deluxe volume