X-Cellent X-Pose

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 4|



Tune into Fox on Sunday, April 20 (in just two days) for the new
X-Posé: X2 Mutants Uncovered special! It’s the perfect way to get
yourself X-cited for the film, opening may 2. Here’s what it’s all about:

X-Pose is a fictional investigative news program that
will give viewers an up close and personal look at all things mutant. How they
survive on a daily basis, how they are viewed by non-mutants, and plenty of
other mutant tidbits will be addressed.

Things are set to heat up,
however, when avowed mutant opponent Senator Kelly suddenly overturns his vote
and changes his opinions on the danger mutants pose to society…

miss out!


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