Wolverine Carves Up an Incredible Price

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 4|



“This copy is the only CGC 10.0 and Wolverine is a very hot character,”
said Josh Nathanson of ComicLink, who recently made the record purchase of
Wolverine #1 for $3,550. The copy of the first issue of the first
mini-series featuring the most popular X-Men character is the only 10.0 out of
all 1,381copies CGC has graded thus far.

“CGC has graded a large number
of issues and this copy is the best. I think these types of comics will come
into their own in the coming years,” he added.

According to the CGC
census there are 1,381 copies of this Wolverine #1 (the 1982 Limited
Series) that have been graded to date. Of these, only 9 copies grade 9.9 or
better. Interestingly enough Wolverine as a character translates in to numerous
submissions. Wolverine: The Origin #1 has seen 1,916 copies graded with 5
copies graded at 10.0.

“Wolverine is a hot book, though we had seen
submissions of this book cool down slightly recently. I expect we will see
submission jump since the sale of this graded 10.0,” said Steve Borock, CGC’s
Primary Grader.

Borock also indicated that he believes the acceptance of
third party grading is what has sparked the prices in certified comics.

“It goes to show that people trust independent third party grading.
Prices are high because collectors feel a comfort in knowing what they are
getting,” he said.

Paul Litch, CGC’s Modern Age Specialist, said the
restoration on Wolverine #1 Limited Series noted on the census tends to
include dry marker or sharpie color touch, and tear seals. He also mentioned
that they see at least 40-50 copies of this book on any given

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