Who Wants to Be a Superhero?

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 3|



American Idol. Survivor. All-American Girl. The
. We live in a society that has become positively drowned in
reality television – and the sad thing is, we kinda like it. So, for all of you
who find guilty pleasure in watching others either get their hearts broken or
make their dreams come true in the dog-eat-dog world of reality TV, here’s a
show you’ll definitely want to stay on the lookout for: Who Wants to be a

Get ready for an all-new show that will feature regular
folks pitching their ideas for the next big superhero (or heroine) before a
panel of celebrity judges. Later, contestants will be privy to a
“superhero makeover,” where they will dress as their character and
compete in all sorts of superheroic feats. Don’t believe us? Read all about it,
from E!Online, here!


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