Where are the Superheroes Now?

Categories: Comic News|Published On: March 28, 2003|Views: 5|



Apparently, Col. Wilma Deering is now a tai chi instructor. The Riddler is
playing George Burns on Broadway. And Robin, the Boy Wonder is a special effects
master who rescues Great Danes. If you weren’t tuned into VH1 last Wednesday
night, March 26, you missed a treat! In Where Are They Now – Superheroes,
VH1 took a look back at the heroes and villains of TV past – and then caught up
with their 2003 alter egos. But don’t worry if you didn’t catch it – VH1 will be
running it again tonight at 10:00pm, tomorrow at 1:30 pm and Sunday at 2:00am
and 10 am.

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