What Makes Bob the Builder So Popular?

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 4|



Created by Keith Chapman in 1999 for British programming network HIT
Entertainment, Bob the Builder has risen to the ranks of superstardom among
toddlers and early elementary school students. But why?

Is it because of
the perpetual smile on his round little face? Or perhaps the yellow construction
hat has a way of mesmerizing young viewers. Maybe they find the talking heavy
machinery endearing. Is it the cooperative, can-do attitude that he and the rest
of his supporting cast–Wendy, Spud and Pilchard–exhibit on each episode and in
each book. Maybe it’s the extensive line of Bob the Builder Lego sets
that allow kids to take part in the creative construction fun.

the reason, Bob the Builder, now airing on Nick Jr., the Nickelodeon
subsidiary timeslot that caters to preschoolers, is available to millions in
over 180 countries and is the top-rated pre-school program in Germany, Japan and

Do you have a theory you’d like to add, as to the widespread
success of this little guy and his friends? Send it here.

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