Website Profiles Disney Comics Covers
Disney’s Extravaganza website, you should log on post haste. The site features
Disney Comic covers from around the world, dating back to 1930. Organizers are
currently seeking volunteers for cover organizers in several countries,
including: Norway, Finland, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Greece, Indonesia and
Japan. Be sure to visit
to find out more and to compare the different comic cover interpretations from
around the world. While there, be sure to check out Gemstone’s new additions to
the U.S. section!
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<div>Though the fairy tale of Cinderella has been reworked ad infinitum over the
years, the early 20th century saw one of the most unique tellings ever to emerge
in 1925 comic strip Ella Cinders. Creators Charles Plumb and Bill Conselman
created an eccentric stepchild with dark, short-cropped hair and wide set eyes
in Ella. Her stepmother and stepsisters are, of course, evil (Lotta and Prissy
Pill). And readers tend to empathize with the sprightly heroine
immediately.<br><br>She became so popular that in just one year, producer John
McCormick and director Alfred E. Green, decided to bring her story to the big
screen. <br><br>The quirky and incomparable Colleen Moore was cast in the
role--perhaps for her impe