Waffling Over Wonder Woman

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: March 25, 2005|Views: 6|


I think Joss Whedon will do Wonder Woman proud. His work on the
Astonishing X-Men brought me back to reading a title that was so mired in
its own continuity that not even Chris Claremont knows what’s going on. As for
Kim Basinger in the lead, I can’t see it. She’s simply too old. Maybe she can
play Hippolyta. And Jessica Biel is, in my opinion, dubiously talented at best
and too [unchaste] to be Princess Diana. A great casting coup would be to have
Lynda Carter play Diana’s mother, Hippolyta.
— Russell Rosenkild, Chicago, IL
Umm, I’m going to have to say that finding out that Joss Whedon has either
picked Kim Basinger or Jessica Biel for Wonder Woman irritates me immensely. I
can’t fathom either of these women (good actresses that they are) to play my
favorite superheroine. Who’s the casting director for this movie anyway? You
mean to tell me that they did a search for the perfect actress to take this role
and these are the only two names they could come up with? Gimme a break. They
might as well have asked Linda Carter to reprise the role. At least she looks
more the part. Definitely will not be in the theaters for this one.
— Tonja M.
[Editor’s note: Take heart, Tonja. The news is that Kim and Jessica are
still being considered. Neither has been confirmed.]
