Vertigo Visions

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 5|



Watson-Guptill Publications; $24.95

In the last ten years, DC’s
Vertigo imprint has become widely known for its striking stories and art.
Vertigo Visions originally collected some of the most impressive pieces from
Vertigo in one book, and now Watson-Guptill Publications has released a revised
and updated edition of this fabulous book in honor of Vertigo’s tenth
anniversary. The works of Dave McKean, Glenn Fabry, Mark Chiarello, Michael
Zulli, Jill Thompson, Michael Kaluta, Brian Bolland, John Van Fleet, George
Pratt, Geoff Darrow, Tim Bradstreet and many others are featured. If you’re a
serious Vertigo fan, you’ll love this wonderful presentation. If you’re not, you
might become one.

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