UPN Needs An Overhaul

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 2|



Will someone get on the phone to UPN and tell them, both firmly and
resolutely, that they have officially run out of viable ideas?

And when
they ask how you, an anonymous caller, could possibly have figured that out all
on your own, tell them it’s because you stumbled across their nefarious plan to
resurrect the ’80s kitsch classic, Teen Wolf, as a new millenium
melodrama. According to the Sci-Fi Wire: “The network is angling for a Buffy
the Vampire Slayer
-esque vehicle about a college student who discovers that
he’s a werewolf, the trade paper reported. UPN and producer Warner Brothers
Television are reportedly looking to depart from the comedic bent of the
original feature and emphasize the fantasy elements and black

Even if masterfully executed, a venture like this will invariably
yield bad results. We like to think of Michael J. Fox’s ’80s vehicles as
something akin to retired jerseys. Sure, you will return to them, admire them,
reminisce over how well Fox himself embodied the schtick of manchild awkwardness
and angst… but please don’t make us watch someone else try desperately to
mimic and imitate Fox, exploiting his trademark style for laughs (however dark)
or heartstring tugs (however bittersweet).

Ugh, UPN. We understand that
your original programming doesn’t fare very well, but this doesn’t mean that you
should resort to recycling retired plot-by-numbers. It simply means you should
recycle your creative team.

What do you think?

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