Top Shelf Revamps Website, Offers Specials

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 3|



Top Shelf Productions announced that they’ve redesigned their website. We
checked it out, and it’s true, they have! (Okay, so actually checking puts us
ahead of the New York Times, but we’re not bragging.) But don’t take our
word for it, check out
for yourself.

Chris Staros, Top Shelf’s headmaster, credits hard work by
web designer Nathan Beaty for getting the new digs up and running, and he said
readers should continue checking back as further developments will bring, “More
preview pages, on-line comics, possibly e-versions of our books, and just
evolutionary improvements as time moves on.” To celebrate grand online opening
Top Shelf has created four web exclusives, all hardcover editions of some of
their ultra-keen offerings:

Blankets by Craig Thompson, Hardcover
Edition, First Printing: 500 copies, $75 (in print, but only 100 copies

The Barefoot Serpent by Scott Morse, Hardcover Edition,
First Printing: 300 copies, $40 (in print, but only 150 copies

Voice Of The Fire by Alan Moore, Signed & Numbered
Hardcover Edition, limited to 500 copies, $50 (shipping in December, but
pre-orders are recommended since so many reservations have already been

The Mirror Of Love by Alan Moore & José
Villarrubia Signed & Numbered Hardcover Edition, limited to 500 copies, $50
(shipping in Jan/Feb, but pre-orders are recommended since so many reservations
have already been placed)

Top Shelf is also running other launch specials
such as a “Buy 3, Get 1 Free” offer and others.

Staros said their aims
for the online store are, “To keep all interested parties informed as to what
we’re up to. The website acts as an ever evolving visual summary of our future
releases as well as our current inventory. It’s a place where fans and retailers
alike can go to get an idea of what a book is, before they decide to actually
give it a try. It’s also a place where fans can get a hold of the full range of
our publications, when they’re not available locally.”

He added, “In the
“small press,” revenue has to come from every avenue possible to keep the doors
open, so the website is just another vital link in the chain which already
includes the direct market and book trade distributors, retailers, and

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