The Tale of the Red Goose

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 4|



Have you ever heard the story of the Red Goose? It’s kind of like The
Ugly Duckling
, but with a different slant.

See, according to legend,
there once lived a goose who noticed a cardinal dotting the air with its
sanguine plumage. The goose admired the bright redness of its peer and wished
one day that its own feathers would turn red. But when the wish was granted, the
other geese made fun of the Red Goose, calling its new feathers ridiculous until
the Red Goose was suddenly ashamed of its own appearance. And then came a fairy
Godmother who admitted to granting the wish and celebrated the individuality
that made her goose wish it was red.

This is the tale that still appears
on the Buster Brown Shoes website. And it has been used to market Red Goose
shoes since the early 1930s. Several premiums were enlisted to promote the Red
Goose line of children’s shoes, including Reddy Goose comic books, coin premiums
and window ads.

Apparently, the marketing of individuality and
self-confidence has staying power. Red Goose shoes are still on the market, even

Do you have a fond childhood memory of Red Goose Shoes or Reddy
Goose comics? Send us your

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