The Shadow Knows

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 3|



Character song sheets are highly collectible, and in fact, they can be
traced back to The Yellow Kid. But did you know that the 1938 song sheet The
Shadow Knows
features the same image as the cover of the July 1938 pulp
The Shadow? The song sheet was produced just a few months later. It’s
unique in that it contains 25 different sections, with 4 pages for each
individual orchestral arrangement, while most song sheets only contain 4-6 pages
total. It also includes the lyrics to The Shadow Knows. Noted collector
Harry Matetsky owns this song sheet, the only one of its kind known to exist

Keep your eye on The Scoop for more on song sheets –
they’re quite an up and coming item in our market.

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