The Science of Superheroes

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 1, 2002|Views: 7|



Lois Gresh and Robert Weinberg; $24.95

In this fantastically
hilarious book, the limits of science, the laws of nature and the future of
technology are all studied and questioned…but only as they relate to your
favorite superheroes! You’ll look at the origins of these guys, and then be led
into a whirlwind analysis of the scientific hows and whys of their feats. How
did Aquaman and Sub-Mariner avoid being crushed by the pressure at the bottom of
the ocean, and how did they avoid decompression sickness upon swimming to the
surface? Could the X-Men feasibly result from evolution? These questions, and so
many more, are all waiting for you in this highly original book.



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