The Recent Amazing Comics Auction

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: August 9, 2002|Views: 8|



The results of the latest Heritage Amazing Comics Auction, which ended
Sunday August 4, are in! With 1,079 lots offered and 200 successful bids out of
379, the auction saw a total sell-through of $574,377.85 (75.160% of lots

A few highlights included:

Superman #1 (DC, 1939)
CGC Apparent VF- 7.5 Extensive (P) Off-white pages. Realized

Wonder Woman #1 (DC, 1942) CGC VF 8.0 Off-white to
white pages. Realized $13,225.00

Fantastic Four #1 (Marvel, 1961)
CGC VF- 7.5 Off-white to white pages. Realized $10,925.00

Lantern #1
(DC, 1941) CGC FN/VF 7.0 Off-white pages. Realized

The Amazing Spider-Man #1 Winnipeg pedigree (Marvel,
1963) CGC VF+ 8.5 White pages. Realized $10,350.00

Blue Bolt #1
Mile High pedigree (Novelty Press, 1940) CGC VF/NM 9.0 White pages. Realized

Daredevil Comics #1 Rockford pedigree (Lev Gleason,
1941) CGC VF+ 8.5 Cream to off-white pages. Realized $8,050.00

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