The Nicholas Brothers
Brothers), whose birthday is this week (October 20), we thought it would be a
great idea to direct you to the official Nicholas Brothers website, where you
acquaint yourself with the legendary choreographers and find out more about
their fascinating lives:
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<div>Titan; $5.99<br></div>
<div>This month, <i>Dreamwatch </i>salutes the smash-hit sci-fi series,
<i>Stargate SG-1</i>! Not only is <i>Stargate</i> the cover feature and one side
of the mag’s fantastic double-sided FREE poster, but there are also interviews
with Christopher Judge (Teal’c), Corin Nemec (Jonas Quinn) and the
show’s co-producer, Peter DeLuise. Also, in eager anticipation of the
fifth season of <i>Angel</i> and to clear up some of