The Latest from eBay

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 4|



Here are some more notable sellers from the vast world of

First, we have a copy of Hulk #102, CGC 9.6 NM+ White
Pages, a very fantastic find especially with the movie hitting theatres in June,
which sold for $1,056. We also have 12 Older PEZ Truck Dispensers with display.
This set of dispensers was unused store stock that had never been opened, and
included 4 blue cabs with yellow boxes, 1 green cab with a yellow box, 2 pink
cabs with green boxes, and 5 orange cabs with aqua boxes. It sold for only
slightly less than Hulk at $1,054.

Next, we have the Original
1941 art for The Spider Returns 1-sheet Serial Movie Poster. Gorgeously
executed by artist Glenn Cravath, this one-of-a-kind piece sold in excellent
condition for $2,225. Next, there’s a 1940 Captain Marvel Syrocco/Syracuse
figurine. Interestingly, a small crack on the inside of one of his legs didn’t
keep the bids from soaring, and Captain Marvel sold for an impressive $4,050.
From the political side, we have a rare Cox-Roosevelt pinback. Featuring a
picture of the two noble Americans, this pinback sold in excellent condition for
a fantastic $20,911.81.

Finally, we wanted to
give you an update on a Wolverine Limited #1 CGC 10 in Perfect mint
condition, which is currently still up for bid and will be for the next several
days. At the time of press, the current bid for this exquisite book is at
$3,150. Check it our for yourself here!

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