The Holiday Greater Boston Antique and Collectible Toy Show

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 25, 2002|Views: 4|



The Holiday Greater Boston Antique and collectible Toy Show is coming up on
Sunday, November 10! Held at the Dedham, MA Holiday Inn from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30
p.m., the show will feature three huge halls full of rare, collectible toys from
the late 1800s to the present! From cast iron trucks to plastic models, from
wooden wagons to die cast vehicles, from Punch and Judy to G.I. Joe and Barbie,
from pedal cars to racing cars, from quaint tractors to sleek jets, from Tootsie
Toys to Hot Wheels, from Disney to Star Trek to…well, you get the idea. But
you’ll have to see it to believe it! Admission is $4.50 in the morning and $3.50
in the afternoon, with children 12 and under admitted for free. The Dedham
Holiday Inn is located on Rt. 1 at Exit 15A off 128/95. For more information,
call 508-379-9733!

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