The Golden Panel Awards

Categories: Comic News|Published On: November 8, 2002|Views: 2|



Well, the votes are in, but the winners of the New York City Comic Book
Museum’s first-ever Golden Panel Awards won’t be announced until tomorrow. It
will all happen as part of the National Comic Book, Art, Toy and Sci-Fi Expo,
which is kicking off today at the Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 W. 18th Street, New
York City. Tickets are free for the special Golden Panel Reception, set to take
place tomorrow night at 6:30, but if you can’t make it, we’ll be sure to give
you the lowdown in next week’s Scoop.

Categories for the awards
include: Best Storyteller, Best
Artist, Best Publisher, Breakout Artist of 2002, Breakout Writer of 2002, Best
New Series of 2002, Best Continuing Series, Best Industry Publication, Legend of
2002 (given to one still contributing to the comics medium) and Honorary Award
(given to a person, organization, or retailer within the comic book industry
doing something “outside the scope of publishing comic books”). The award itself
has been designed by Arlen Schumer, NYCCBM supporter and leader of the
Superheroes in the ’60s lecture series (see last week’s Scoop for more).

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