The Comics Journal #255

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 3|



Fantagraphics; $6.95

The Comics Journal takes a good look at
two of modern comics’ most challenging talents, Aaron McGruder and R. Sikoryak.
McGruder’s The Boondocks is prominently featured. This issue also
features reviews of Lone Wolf and Cub and several other recent releases.
Thought-provoking reading, as always. And the incredible cover features many of
comics’ timelessly classic characters, engaged in what looks like a game of
“Telephone” (you know, where one person initiates a message and each succeeding
person relays it to the next, until the last person reiterates the message to
the initiator and sees how much the message has been altered).

We’d like
to know just how astute a comics scholar you are. How many characters featured
on this remarkable cover (shown right) can you correctly guess? Email your
guesses here:

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