The Celluloid Monster

Categories: Comic News|Published On: June 28, 2002|Views: 6|



The reshaping of Mary Shelley’s story began almost from the moment it first
appeared. The 1931 Universal Studios production of Frankenstein, starring
Boris Karloff as the monster, capped off more than a century of variant tellings
of the original story. Compared to Shelley’s sensitive, articulate creature,
Universal’s was crude and unformed. But the sheer power of Hollywood
image-making gave him an impact as great or greater than Shelley’s, and made him
into an icon of popular culture.

Just as Shelley’s story was shaped
by the science of the day, so was Hollywood’s influenced by some of the
scientific and pseudo-scientific preoccupations of its day, including eugenics,
robots, and surgical transplants.

National Library of Medicine
Here, we have featured the original 6 sheet from the movie
Frankenstein. This one of a kind poster is owned by Stephen Fishler of
Metropolis Collectibles. Many collectors feel this to be the finest of the
horror related posters – with vivid characters and emotion – right down to the
ever-observing skeleton in the background.

And if you want more
Frankensein, here’s an amazing list of background material:

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