The Brave and the Bold

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 5|



The first appearance of the Justice League of America was in DC’s Brave
and the Bold #28
(February – March, 1960). It was an assembly of the Silver
Age incarnations of DC’s best-known superheroes into one team – in much the same
way as their predecessors, the Justice Society of America, had first appeared in
All-Star Comics #3.

The Justice League appeared in two more issues
of Brave and the Bold before making the leap to their own title,
Justice League of America, in late 1960 (and in August 1963, the Justice
Society made their first appearance in the pages of Justice League of

This hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain statue is based on
that beloved and historic image from the cover of The Brave and the Bold #28,
originally by Mike Sekowsky and Murphy Anderson. This brilliantly rendered
statue shows the heroes as they do battle against the vile, tentacle-y Starro
the Conqueror. Sculpted by John G. Matthews, only 1,200 of these statues were
produced for DC Direct. Look for Starro to make a big comeback in the upcoming
Justice League/Avengers crossover between DC and Marvel in

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