The Ancient Southwest

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: April 1, 2005|Views: 7|


TCU Press; $14.95

Journalist, historian and cartoonist Michael H.
Price (who many fans will remember from his days at Eclipse Comics) has
assembled a scholarly look at the pioneering work of artist George E. Turner in
The Ancient Southwest & Other Dispatches From The Cruel Frontier,
just published by TCU Press. Turner’s strip, The Ancient Southwest, was
developed for newspapers in Texas and the region in the early 1950s, and its
exploration of natural history is yet another pioneering use of comics as
teaching tools. Now that comics and education are no longer at their traditional
impasse, it’s wonderful to be able to look back and see where the first people
to see the possibilities were trying to go. The book offers quite a bit of
insight into Turner himself and how the efforts got started.
