Terminator: T-2 Revisited

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 3|



There’s some late-breaking news on Artbox Entertainment’s T2 Filmcardz.
Along with their FilmWear cards (authentic material form costumes embedded in
the card), it’s now come to light that autograph cards will be included in the

Among those signing will be Robert Patrick (who played the T-1000
Terminator), Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor), Edward Furlong (John Connor), Earl
Boen (Dr. Peter Silberman), Don Stanton (Lewis the Guard), his twin Dan Stanton
(Lewis the Guard/T-1000), and Joe Morton (Miles Dyson). Don and Dan Stanton will
also sign a double autograph card from the scene when both Lewis the Guard and
the T-1000 are looking at each other and the T-1000 version kills the other
guard with his finger.

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