Terminator 3 Busts

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: October 17, 2003|Views: 5|



Gentle Giant Studios has released a very limited run of the hero and
villainess featured in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Four versions
exist: T-850 (the original), Battle Damaged T-850, Terminatrix and Endoskeleton.
Each very closely resembles costars Schwarzenegger and Kristanna Loken.
Terminatrix dons her customary alligator jacket and wields weaponry in lieu of a
right arm. Endoskeleton represents her, after maximum damage has been done to
her human disguise. Unable to become an Endoskeleton, T-850 is first shown clean
and chiseled with his trademark dark shades and leather jacket, then
bullet-nicked and laser-wounded in the Battle Damaged edition. Height of each
varies between 6.5 and 7.5 inches. And the unscathed versions of the machines
have been produced in a run of 3,000 each, while the Endoskeleton and Battle
Damaged T-850 are part of a 5,000-figure run.

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