Teen Read Week Update
Association’s Teen Read Week, which ran this year from October 13 – 19 under the
comics-friendly “Get Graphic” theme. As it turns out, among the
many supporters and promoters of the endeavor was Sky-Dog Comics’ John
Gallagher, Buzzboy creator and publisher.
In a series of library
appearances presented and sponsored by Captain Blue Hen Comics, of Newark, DE,
Gallagher detailed the creative process behind creating comics. “The number one
question I am asked by young people is ‘How do you do that?'” said Gallagher,
“and my focus was letting them know that THEY can create comics as well.”
Gallagher and Joe Murray (owner of Captain Blue Hen Comics) discussed
the different aspects of creating comics, taking the audience from script
through to final art, with an emphasis on storytelling. “We encouraged the kids
to create comics about things they like, as opposed to simply doing what’s
popular,” said Gallagher.
Murray was especially pleased with the positive
reaction to the appearances. “The presentation went much better than I could’ve
hoped,” he said. “Whenever I’d start to lose their attention, John would reel
them back in with the magic of his pen and pad.”
“Hopefully, we’ve
gained a few new customers,” Murray added, “but I know John left with a room
full of new Buzzboy fans.”
Learn more about John’s new trade
paperback, Buzzboy: Trouble in Paradise, at www.buzzboy.com.
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<div>It has recently been announced that Jim Lee, founder of WildStorm
Productions and among the most celebrated and popular comic book artists, is
going to be lending his extraordinary talents to support the Comic Book Legal
Defense Fund. Starting November 5, Lee will be spearheading a series of
auctions and fundraisers that will benefit the CBLDF’s ongoing mission to defend
the First Amendment rights of comic book reta