Target Offers Star Wars Exclusive Darth Vader Figure
You may need to use the Force this weekend to obtain the latest Star
Wars exclusive that is being offered. Target stores on April 2 will be
releasing 50,000 Darth Vader Lava Reflection edition action figures nationwide.
The limited edition figure features Darth Vader from the upcoming film Star
Wars: Revenge Of The Sith. You better hurry to the closest Target store
early and don’t forget your lightsaber as you will surely need to safely obtain
one of the limited edition figures.
Wars exclusive that is being offered. Target stores on April 2 will be
releasing 50,000 Darth Vader Lava Reflection edition action figures nationwide.
The limited edition figure features Darth Vader from the upcoming film Star
Wars: Revenge Of The Sith. You better hurry to the closest Target store
early and don’t forget your lightsaber as you will surely need to safely obtain
one of the limited edition figures.