Tales of Terror! The EC Companion.

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: June 21, 2002|Views: 5|



Fred von Bernewitz, Grant Geissman; $24.95

“This beautifully
designed, oversize paperback teems with . . . gleefully lurid creations.” –
Entertainment Weekly

This is the authoritative guide to the
fabulously bizarre world of EC comics, now available in soft cover. It’s
everything every EC fan could ever desire – whether lifelong devotee or casual
reader – from vampy femme fatales to drooling ghouls to razor-toothed werewolves
to warty hags. Featuring interviews with EC heavy-hitters, histories of the
company and the comics, and of course, the full-color pictures of every original
EC cover ever. Also covers the rise and tragic fall of the famous tales of
horror and gore of MAD magazine publisher William Gaines, such as Tales from the
Crypt and The Vault of Horror. Because these works proved so offensive to good
taste, the U.S. Senate Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency convened
a special hearing to examine the effects of comics on the youth of America in
April, 1954. Though Gaines remained completely composed and even bold during his
testimony, the subcommittee’s campaign against EC and concomitant articles in
Time and Newsweek resulted in the spread of the infamous Comics Code, causing so
many financial pains for Gaines that he had to shut down most of his titles. In
the opinion of many, this was the true “tale of terror.” Also covered in this
volume are crime, adventure, war and humor classics such as Crime Suspenstories
and Moon Girl – all making for a comprehensive, entertaining read no comics
library would be complete without.

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