Superman-Ultimate Flight

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 5|



At long last, Superman – Ultimate Flight is up and running at New Jersey’s
Six Flags Great Adventure. Get ready to soar through the air like the Man of
Steel on a roller coaster to end all roller coasters!

It all works like
this: passengers start out sitting four abreast on a 32-seat train. They are
immediately tilted face-down (a la flying) after leaving the station, and then
taken up a 109-foot hill. Then the fun really starts. Sharp curves, wild dives,
spirals, loops (some of which come thrillingly close to the ground) and speeds
topping 50 mph all combine to make for a totally exhilarating experience.

Superman – Ultimate Flight “combines the world’s best high-tech ride
elements with an exclusive, high-flying twist making it the most unique roller
coaster to hit this region.” said Tim Black, Six Flags Great Adventure, Wild
Safari and Hurricane Harbor’s general manager.

And to think, all this
comes on the heels of the Superman Tower of Power that recently opened in Six
Flags over Texas. What could possibly be next?

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