Superman Sweater Patch

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: November 8, 2002|Views: 5|



It was 1939, and the Supermen of America club wanted to get some new
members. So what better way to go about recruiting than by using their already
existing members? But did you know that the gimmick used by the club is now
regarded as one of the most highly collectible Superman items known? It was a
sweater patch that was advertised on a special flyer that coincided with the
release of Superman #2. Larger than most patches of the day, this patch
featured Superman in full color, breaking out of his chains. Recruiters were
promised that the wearing of such a “dandy” emblem would make them
the envy of the neighborhood. And all kids had to do to get it was spread the
word about how fantastic the Supermen of America club was, then get three of
their friends to join and cough up 10 cents each. The recruiting member could
then send the money and the names of the friends – written on the coupon at the
bottom of the flyer – and they’d receive the brilliant sweater patch.

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