Superman 100 Project Signed Covers Continue at Hero

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: October 30, 2024|Views: 6|


The Hero Initiative has uploaded another 10 Superman 100 Project CGC Signature Series comics to eBay. All graded CGC 9.8 or 9.6, they are signed by John McCrea, Jerry Ordway, Joseph M. Linsner, Dave Johnson, Klaus Janson, Denys Cowan, Joe Staton, David Marquez, Jim Valentino, and Daimon Hampton.

Hero is selling several 100 Project books on eBay, featuring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wonder Woman, Wolverine, Hellboy, and others. They are also offering Hero challenge coins, W00tstout Stone Brewing prints signed by Amanda Conner and Walter Simonson, Stan’s Soapbox: The Collection third printing, Hero Comics: A Hero Initiative Benefit Book, Steve Dillon Memorial Charity Sketchbook, and more.
