Strum and Drang: Great Moments in Rock ‘n’ Roll

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 1, 2002|Views: 5|



Joel Orff; $6.95

You won’t get any guitar riffs or jam sessions in
Joel Orff’s trade paperback, but you will get an incredible and humorous insight
into the rock-n-roll show that is everyday life. For the past three years, Joel
Orff has been collecting the stories of both musicians and non-musicians alike,
illustrating them, and posting them on his web site. And while music doesn’t
necessarily connect all his tales, the fact that they all represent a telling,
even poignant moment in life does. Whether enormously life-defining experiences
or small and sublime occurrences that the narrator has never forgotten (or
moments they would have liked to have forgotten), this bright collection is all
about people struggling with and celebrating their circumstances – often through
unlikely forms of self-expression. Coming February 2003.

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