Steve Geppi Honored by Sports Boosters

Categories: Comic News|Published On: November 8, 2002|Views: 3|



On Wednesday, November 6, Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. President and
CEO Steve Geppi was honored with a very special award from the Sports Boosters
of Maryland. For his contributions to both the sports and business worlds, as
well as for his enthusiastic presence in the community, Mr. Geppi was given the
Rex Barney Humanitarian Award. The ceremony, which was held in downtown
Baltimore, was attended by the media, prominent sports figures and nearly one
thousand other attendees.
Also honored were Orioles Bullpen Coach Elrod
Hendricks with the Headliner Award and Rodrigo Munoz Lopez with the Most
Valuable Oriole Award. Several special guests were called on to say a few words
about the evening’s honorees, among them Eddie Murray, Kirby Puckett, Lee May,
Rich Dauer and Mike Flanagan.

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