Stargate SG-1 Board Game Hits Stores in Jan. 2004

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 24, 2003|Views: 3|



The new Stargate SG-1 board game from Fleet Games, Inc. is now available
for pre-order. Longtime fans of the series will be glad to know that the
comprehensive game plays close and detailed tribute to the television series.
Accomodating six to ten players, the game allows its participants to command a
Stargate SG-1Goa’uld, Earth or Asgard fleet of starships; build & place
Goa’uld, Earth and Asgard combat units, stargates and starships; deploy combat
units through stargates, on starships and on star systems with Stargate SG-1
cards; send nuclear weapons through stargates with Stargate SG-1 cards; capture
star systems by landing combat units and send starships through wormholes. The
game is slated for January 1, 2004 release at a suggested retail price of
$34.95. For more information on the game and its capabilities, visit

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