Stargate Opens At Geppi’s Comic World

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 3|



As we mentioned recently, Stargate SG-1 is one of the – if not
the – most popular science fiction series on TV. TV Guide and
numerous other publications finally caught on during the show’s seventh season
(it started on the Showtime cable network before moving to the Sci Fi Channel) –
maybe they noticed the first four seasons are selling very well on DVD, and the
fifth is on the way.

Regardless, airing each Friday night at 9 ET on Sci
Fi, the series has attracted a dedicated audience over the past seven seasons,
and now it has spawned a comic book series, too.

Geppi’s Comic World will
welcome James Anthony Kuhoric, writer of the Avatar Press series, this Saturday,
October 11, 10 AM to 1 PM. He’ll be signing copies of the comic, which will be
on sale during the signing.

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