Star Wars Cereal Boxes

Categories: Comic News|Published On: July 19, 2002|Views: 2|



Collectible cereal boxes featuring various celebrities and pop culture
trends have always been a big commodity for collectors, but it’s seldom that a
movie actually has a cereal all its own. In the case of Star Wars Episode 2 –
Attack of the Clones
, however, General mills produced a cereal with
sweetened corn puffs and marshmallows in the shapes of Clone Troopers, Light
Sabers, Yoda, R2-D2, Slave I and the Jedi Starfighter. The two collectable boxes
that were released to promote the film featured a continuing adventure game
where players would actually use the marshmallows as game pieces. As of
Wednesday, Star Wars Episode 2 – Attack of the Clones had
grossed $293,817,404 (Box Office

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