Spidey’s Coming to DVD

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 25, 2002|Views: 5|



November 1st is the day you’ve all be anxiously (and patiently)
awaiting! Yes, that blockbuster movie of the year, Spiderman, is finally
coming to DVD and VHS! Whther you prefer your webslinger in full-screen,
wide-screen or in a special Limited Edition Collector’s Gift Set, if you haven’t
already pre-ordered your copy, now is definitely the time to do so! And, if you
happen to be a home-shopper, you won’t want to miss the huge selection of
Spidey-related goodies that will also be premiering on the Home Shopping Network
that day! Courtesy of Dynamic Forces, lithographs, comic books and so much more
memorabilia will be available – so if you don’t spend the whole day watching
(and re-watching) your new DVD, you’ll have to check it out!

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