Speaking of PEZ . . .

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 8|



2002 marks the 50th anniversary of Pez in America – and my what
a 50 years it’s been! Pez dispensers have become American icons of pop culture –
candy, toy and collectible all in one. In honor of this 50th
anniversary celebration, Pez has released some fabulous new dispensers – such as
this replica of the classic “Golden Glow” Pez. With a gleaming golden finish,
special keepsake packaging and it’s own display stand, this Pez is a collector’s

For the more clairvoyant collector, another new Pez is this
Limited Edition Mystical Crystal Ball – covered in blue stars atop a regal
shimmering purple base. Only the crystal ball knows what the next 50 years will
hold for the phenomenon that is Pez!

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