
Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: April 11, 2003|Views: 4|



As we reported earlier, the recent Sotheby’s comics auction, which ended on
March 27, was a quite a success, with many prices reaching at least twice as
high as their original estimates. Take, for example, two Peanuts
dailies, both expected to sell for about $5,000, that ended up selling for
$11,000 and $12,000!

According to Sotheby’s Collectibles Specialist
Jerry Weist, the pulp market is also particularly strong right now – and hero
pulp art such as the Shadow, Doc Savage and Operator Five is especially in
demand. Weist also noted that the European market is fast growing – with 25-30%
of the winning bids for original art coming from European bidders.

next Sotheby’s auction will be held on eBay in June, and is set to feature a
higher grade Marvel collection, plenty of Silver Age art, some early ’50s E.C.
art, and tons more.

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