SNL Alum to Play Darrin in Bewitched Movie

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 4|



We’ve been pretty judgmental in this week’s Mondo Media section. So we’ll
reserve our personal opinions of Columbia Pictures’ newest addition to its
burgeoning Bewitched film cast. Saturday Night Live alum Will
Ferrell has won the sought-after role of Darrin and will play opposite Nicole
Kidman’s Samantha. Though Jim Carrey was rumored to be the production company’s
first pick, many believe that Ferrell will provide an interesting take on the
newest Hollywood remake of a popular ’60s sitcom. The new film is tentatively
set for a 2005 release.

As always, we welcome you the opportunity to be
as critical or supportive of this casting choice as you like. Send your comments

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