Sixteen Candles Sequel Set for Production

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 24, 2003|Views: 8|



Don’t mind us. We’re just over here shaking our heads yet again at the
nostalgia-tampering antics of today’s writers and producers. The USA network
plans to pay homage to the 1984 John Hughes teen angst classic, Sixteen
. The sequel will be called… 32 Candles.

made-for-TV film will take place around original protagonist Sam Baker’s 32nd
birthday and hopes to update the lives of as many original characters as
possible. Currently, no one tied to the original has agreed to participate in
this remake, although writers David A. Newman and Keith Merryman and producers
Buffy Shutt and Kathy Jones (who, incidently, also produced the 2002 surf-girl
flick, Blue Crush) hope to involve Anthony Michael Hall (the original
Farmer Ted), since he is already affiliated with the USA Network, as star of its
original series, The Dead Zone.

Children of the ’80s the world
over weep for the vestige of their filmic legacy.

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