Shupps Grove Antiques and Collectibles

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 11, 2003|Views: 6|



This spring, why not plan a trip to Pennsylvania’s gorgeous Lancaster
County, and make a stop by Shupps Grove while you’re at it? Shupps Grove is the
first outdoor antique market in the Adamstown area, and they’ve been in
operation since 1962.

Now, they’re kicking the season off on April 18, 19
and 20 with their Spring Opening, and continuing April 24 – 27 with their Spring
Extravaganza. Acres upon acres of unique and wonderful antiques and collectibles
will be on display – and fantastic deals are sure to abound! Visit Shupps Grove
online at, and we’re
sure you’ll want to visit them in person, too!


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