Screenwriter Ivan Moffat Passes Away

Categories: Comic News|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 3|



Noted screenwriter Ivan Moffat passed away on July 4, at the age of 84. As
the UK’s Guardian Unlimited site reported, “Three films put George
Stevens into the pantheon of great American film directors, and
producer/screenwriter Ivan Moffat made a considerable contribution to them. He
was associate producer on the classic western Shane (1953) and the tragic
romance A Place In The Sun (1951), as well as sharing an Oscar nomination
for his screenplay of the Texas saga Giant (1956).”

before his death, Moffat had contributed to the DVDs of Shane and

In addition to his more noted credits and his largely
un-credited work as a script doctor, Moffat also wrote or co-wrote the
screenplays for D-Day The 6th Of June (1956), The Wayward Bus
(1957), Tender Is The Night (1962), and The Heroes Of Telemark
(1965), among others.

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