Scoop Exclusive! Las Vegas Comic-Con New Additions!

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 3|



Thanks to the tireless planners of the upcoming Las Vegas Comic-Con,
we’ve got the exclusive Scoop and you–our loyal readers–will read it here

Actor Mark Hamill of the legendary Star Wars films and
Justin Berfield, Reese on the popular Fox television comedy Malcolm in the
, will meet fans and sign autographs at the First Annual Las Vegas
Comic-Con. In addition, two new comic books will make their debut at the
three-day show, October 31 through November 2, 2003, in the Mandalay Bay
Convention Center.

Hamill, who makes his directorial debut and stars in
Miramax’s, Comic Book The Movie!, this coming January, will be joined by
other cast members in a fun-filled panel program at 4 p.m., Friday, October 31,
showing the audience preview scenes and outtakes from the upcoming movie.

Scheduled to participate in the panel discussion with Hamill are Donna
D’Errico (Baywatch), Billy West (Futurama and Ren &
), Roger Rose (Johnny Bravo), Jess Harnell (Animaniacs),
Tom Kenny and Lori Alan (Spongebob Squarepants), and Daran Norris
(Fairly Odd Parents). They’ll sign autographs for fans on Saturday,
November 1 from 1 to 3 p.m.

A veteran of TV programs and commercials,
17-year-old Berfield holds a third-degree red belt in Tang Soo Do martial arts
and has won various karate tournament awards. He will sign autographs in the
Las Vegas Comic-Con Celebrity Signing Area on Saturday, November 1 from 10 a.m.
to noon and 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., and again on Sunday, November 2 from 10:30 to
11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Silent Devil Productions will release an
exclusive edition of Phang and Mäk issue #3 at the Las Vegas
Comic-Con. Only 1,000 copies will be available featuring a fully painted cover
by artist Jeff Bracey depicting Phang and Mäk cruising through the desert
toward Las Vegas in their Barracuda convertible. This comic book is the last in
a three part mini-series.

Earlier, it was announced that Christopher P.
Reilly, creator of The Comical Tragedy of Punch and Judy, will launch the
sequel’s publication, Punch and Judy: A Grand Guignol, at the

Admission to the show is $45 for a three-day pass purchased by
October 22, or $20 for a one-day pass. Children aged ten and under are admitted
free. The deadline to obtain discount room rates at Mandalay Bay and the
adjacent Luxor and Excalibur hotels is also October 22. (Ask for the group
code, XCOMIC, when making room reservations.)

More than $40,000 in cash
and prizes will be awarded during the Halloween Masquerade Party, ages 18 and
up, starting at 7:30 p.m., Friday, October 31. Admission to the costume party
is $28 per person; $18 with a Las Vegas Comic-Con pass. Cocktails and food will
be available for purchase.

For additional information about the Las Vegas
Comic-Con, October 31 – November 2, in the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, call
toll-free (866) 36-COMIC or go to

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