Salute to Joe Kubert!

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: June 28, 2002|Views: 3|



Comic Book Marketplace #92
Salute to Joe

CBM‘s newly added 8 extra pages of color (16 total
now) are put to extremely good use in Comic Book Marketplace #92. The
issue features a special tribute to legendary artist Joe Kubert including
two full interviews (by writers S.C. Ringgenberg and Bill Baker). The magazine
staff, which was recently joined by designer Michael Kronenberg, also spotlights
“Eddy Stanky, Baseball Hero,” as well as its traditional columns, “Oddball
Comics,” “Nolan’s Notebook,” “Collectable Character Statues,” “Comics2Film
Digest,” “The Greatest Comic Ever (Well…for this month at least)!” and the
market reports. This issue should be available July 3. It’s available with two
covers, both by Kubert. For more information you can e-mail


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