R&R Enterprises

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 5|



We are pleased to let you know that R&R’s April auction is online and
ready for your bid at www.rrauction.com. Look for the
rare, the historic, the traditional, and the topical. This April, R&R has it
all! From Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s handwritten séance notes to a photo of
Walt Whitman contemplating a flower, from a guitar signed by all three Yardbirds
guitarists to a cast-signed M*A*S*H book inscribed to producer Frank
Neil, from a signed “I Have A Dream” quote signed by Martin Luther
King to a baseball signed by 22 players including Babe Ruth…R&R will
certainly have something that suits your collecting tastes!

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