R&R Enterprises

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: November 1, 2002|Views: 4|



R&R’s November auction www.rrauction.com is now online,
and as always, the pickings are outstanding! This month, R&R is paying
special tribute to Beatlemania with a catalog that features the first of their
specialized sections – The Beatles and Rock Legends.

And though the
auction features over 100 items, ranging from John and Cynthia Lennon’s
four-poster bed to original Beatles ephemera dating from the early 1960’s,
American bands such as The Doors, Janis Joplin, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, and
the Grateful Dead are also represented!

In addition to the rock-n-roll
extravaganza, you’ll also find some remarkable items including an extremely
rare, signed, carte-de-visite portrait of James Buchanan, a hand-written letter
from president George Bush concerning the Malta summit of 1989 and a Walt Disney
letter making the revealing statement, “I do not enjoy public speaking nor feel
‘at home’ in that role.”

Also, be on the lookout for future special
sections of Judy Garland and The Wizard of Oz in December, and Vintage
Hollywood in January!

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