RETRO REVIEW: Bizarre Adventures #25

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 13, 2024|Views: 8|


Marvel Comics; $1.25

Decades before the full force of female-centric characters hit the Big Two, Marvel debuted their revamped Marvel Preview magazine as Bizarre Adventures beginning with #25, and this issue shined a spotlight on female heroes from the pens and brushes of some of their top talent. The result was three compelling stories that are still highly readable.

First, writer (and normally editor) Ralph Macchio and artist Paul Gulacy teamed up for a Black Widow story that took a lot of influence from noir movies and Jim Steranko’s run on Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then writer Chris Claremont and artists Michael Golden and Terry Austin collaborated on Lady Daemon, a character who never had many appearances, but who was nonetheless very intriguing.

And finally, Claremont matched up with artists Marshall Rogers and Bob McLeod for a Daughters of the Dragon tale, putting Colleen Wing and Misty Knight from Iron Fist into the spotlight.

Often overlooked because it was a magazine without a continuing big name character, this issue is still worth tracking down.

– J.C. Vaughn
