Renninger’s Extravaganza

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 5|



Get ready, Pennsylvania – because Renningers Promotions will be holding
their “World Famous Antiques and Collectors Extravaganza” in just a few more
weeks! Coming to Kutztown, PA April 24, 25 and 26, this amazing event will
feature hundreds of quality dealers from several states.
The show will be held on the 24th from 10 am – 5pm, on the 25th from 7am –
6pm, and on the 26th from 7 am – 5 pm. Admission for the first day is $15.00
(which includes re-entry for the other days), while admission for the second and
third days is $6.00. Visit them at – and remember
– even if you can’t make it to PA this April, Renninger’s will be having two
more “Extravaganzas” later this year – from June 26-28 and from September

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